This tool lets you compute profitablity of liquidity pools based on historical data.
Liquidity pair | ||
USD amount | ||
Start date | ||
End date |
Position Value - valuation of your position at a given time in USD. Effectively, how much you have, considering fees, rewards and the pool share itself.
Amount in pool - valuation of the provided liquidity at a given time, taking impermanent loss into account
Total Fess - valuation of all accrued fees at a given time in USD.
Total Boost Rewards - valuation of all accrued boost rewards at a given time in USD
APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, which means how much you would have got in a year. APR varies greatly depending on daily fees and boosts.
Base APR is generated from fees (valued at at given date).
Reserves is the amount of liquidity in the pool. It can change due to price fluctuations, as well as liquidity withdrawals and deposits.
Volume is the amount of used liquidity. Only one asset of the pair is considered.
Boosts Distributed is the amount of boost rewards distributed at a given day.
This chart shows how much you would've got if you held everything in either of the assets, as opposed to depositing to a liquidity pool.
Liquidity providers experience impermanent loss due to relative price changes in the pair, while also being affected by price changes for either of the assets.
Simply put:
Historical data is used to simulate past market conditions:
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